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Human Origins John S ComptonContact us to find out how you can obtain Human Origins – set for October publication – at our special prepublication price of ZAR240. Alternatively, have the author answer your questions pertaining to any content published on this site, its blog or social media pages. Engage us in conversation. Your questions, comments and input are most welcome.

“John S. Compton’s Human Origins opens to us the ‘big history’ shaping the Universe’s violent arc through deep geological time, integrating advances in archaeology, climatology and genetics to explain our journey from the Big Bang to a planet and species facing an uncertain future.”

“Focusing on the last million years and the origins of our species, this book relates our evolution to geological and climatic changes. Professor Compton’s prose displays surefooted elegance as it steps lightly across the complex tapestry of time to leave large, indelible footprints on its readers’ minds. Tracing our deep history through the latest, most up-to-date research in many fields of scientific endeavour, Human Origins is an immensely rewarding read for laypeople as well as a reference for scholars.”

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